Team Crush made an appearance at CoralTreeCafe in Brentbethlehemwood, Los Angeles.
Initial reaction - two thumbs up! the mookfest factor was off the charts and we were loving it.
There was Mr. prepaidlegal.com with full AT&T customer service headgear, multiple gold/silver bands, light grey suit (anyone tell this guy we are now in november?) on his mac laptop (preferred tech gadget for coral treeidians alike). But the real question was, what type of lapel was on his filorgio armanini suit? Turns out - a medal for a public speech given earlier in the day - Gordon Gekko would be proud. After another 45 degree head swivel scan of the room, a jerry-curled hipster sits down at the table behind us with his skull/crossbones scarf hammering down on his hold the dressing arrugula mixed greens salad. Awesome - only question is where is the PandaCrush when you need him?
Moisture-wise there was some decent talent floating around ye olde coral treewitz. As the only patrons gorging several beers, the pheever kicks in and im in the mood to be loved long time. A group of young-looking ucla girls walk in, i dont know whether these girls could qualify for the chinese national gymastic team or they are actually of age. One girl catches crushfiesta's eye for good reason, and we all decide to openly stare at her...at once...and at her mac laptop. What is it with these mac laptops in public places - as if people can constructively work with all these surrounding distractions. Appearance by the PandaCrush next time?
A truer picture could not be painted. Keep it up guys!